Common Causes of Teeth Discoloration

Do you notice that you smile with your mouth closed — or even avoid talking and laughing — to hide your stained teeth? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with tooth discoloration and can’t figure out what’s causing the problem. You need answers and solutions, and we have both.

Dr. Thomas Hernandez and our team at Heritage Dental specialize in professional in-office teeth whitening treatments. We also help you get to the bottom of your smile changes to help you maximize your treatments. Here’s a closer look at the most common causes of teeth discoloration. 

Foods and drinks

Often, the culprit behind your discolored smile is what you eat and drink. Pigment-rich beverages like wine, coffee, and colas, as well as colorful foods like apples and berries, can stain your teeth. 

Tobacco products

Not only does using tobacco products pose a variety of threats to your overall health, but they also negatively impact your oral health as well, including the color of your teeth. The chemicals, tar, and other harmful substances in tobacco products gradually turn your teeth from white to yellow — long-term smokers may end up with brown teeth.

Poor dental hygiene

When we tell you to brush and floss twice daily, we aren’t just worried about your oral health; we’re worried about the way your smile looks as well. If you’re not keeping up with a diligent dental hygiene routine, you allow plaque and other stain-causing substances to accumulate on your teeth. 

Certain treatments and medications

Antihistamines, antipsychotic drugs, blood pressure prescriptions, and other medications have been known to cause teeth discoloration. Similarly, head and neck radiation and chemotherapy treatments for cancer can dull your smile. 

Age-related change

For many, tooth discoloration is a natural part of getting older. As you age, the white outer layer of your teeth called the enamel wears away and exposes the dentin (a yellow-colored tissue inside your tooth), leaving you with a discolored smile.


Your yellowing teeth might not be your fault at all. You may be able to blame your discolored teeth on your family tree. Some people are born with thicker, brighter enamel than others.

Overexposure to fluoride

Whether there are high fluoride levels in your drinking water or your dental hygiene products, too much fluoride can cause white spots to develop on your teeth.

Trauma and injury

A direct blow or injury to the mouth can damage the root and enamel and leave you with a dark, discolored tooth. 

Our teeth whitening services

There are plenty of products and DIY remedies out there that promise to brighten your smile quickly and safely. But none of the solutions offer the power and results that can only come from a professional whitening treatment with Dr. Hernandez. 

He carefully reviews your oral health history and conducts a thorough exam to ensure that your gums and teeth are healthy enough for whitening. Our teeth whitening treatments offer fast, long-lasting results that won’t harm your gums and teeth, so you can be sure that you’ll have a great smile inside and out. 

We also equip you with some practical tips and tricks that help you get the most out of your whitening treatment and avoid discoloration in the future. 

If you have more questions about teeth whitening, request an appointment online or over the phone at our Tomball, Texas, location.

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